TeaTimer 0.6 released

Posted by Philipp Söhnlein on Monday, July 7. 2008 at 23:21 in TeaTimer

I put TeaTimer 0.6 on AMO. Included are all features I described in the previous post.

The only problem is: I decided to make all extensions only available on AMO directly. But, since this is my very first extension, it's currently held in the “sandbox” – a special area for extensions, that are not tested widely (Debian users would say, it's in unstable or testing.). To install sandboxed extensions you are forced to have a account there. I don't like that fact and I don't want anyone to force to create an account at AMO. So, as long as my extension is sandboxed, I will release the package here, too.

Please leave your honest comment about TeaTimer at the TeaTimer page at AMO. If there are some good ratings, I can apply for moving the extension into the public area of AMO.

Thanks for using, testing, having fun (hopefully) and giving some feedback.


teaTimer-0.6-fx.xpi (1.3 MiB)

May I introduce my TeaTimer to you?

Posted by Philipp Söhnlein on Monday, July 7. 2008 at 22:47 in TeaTimer

TeaTimer is a Firefox extension, that solves a problem for me, which occurred more than once a day, before I had TeaTimer:

I worked on some stuff and wanted to have some tea. I especially like Earl Grey (thanks to Mr Jean-Luc Picard), a Black tea, which is much too bitter for me, when it steeps longer than 4 minutes. I was often so deep into my work, that I forgot my tea and it's horrible to drink Earl Grey, when it steeped longer than 15 minutes or so (I usually renamed it to “Earl Black” when that happened).

So that's story behind the extension. Let's see, what this cylon offspring can do for you:

Continue reading "May I introduce my TeaTimer to you?"




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