TeaTimer 1.2 released - Compatible to Firefox 4

Posted by Philipp Söhnlein on Friday, April 1. 2011 at 00:55 in TeaTimer

Hey everyone,

some weeks ago I took the time to update TeaTimer. The biggest new change: It's compatible to Firefox 4 (only), so TeaTimer is back to improve your life together with this great release of your favorite browser.

In this release, I also added the possibility, to use your own alert sounds. You can set it in the options dialog, by choosing the last item in the sound list ("Custom").

I also removed the not longer working Twitter feature (the old login mechanism isn't supported by Twitter anymore) and all locales except the english and the german one. But I already work on a upcoming release, which will bring back some new locales. If you're interested in doing some translation work for TeaTimer you can contact me or use Babelzilla to submit translations.

Oh and by the way: You may have noticed, that TeaTimer is now flatterable, too. :-) Flattr TeaTimer

Happy Brewing!


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Pamphilus on :

Endlich ist mein liebstes teespezifisches Addon wieder da! Für die nächste Version hätte ich noch einen Vorschlag: da im neuen Firefox die Addon-Leiste normalerweise ausgeblendet ist, wie wäre es mit einem Tastatur-Shortcut für den Schnelltimer?

Philipp Söhnlein on :

Ja, wäre eine gute Idee. Habs mal als Feature Request aufgenommen (http://bugs.codepaintedby.philipp-soehnlein.de/index.php?do=details&task_id=26) und überlege mir mal, welche Tasten-Kombination noch halbwegs frei ist.

Denis on :

I really like TeaTimer. Can you two features.

1st is, can you separate icon and arrow, so you can click on icon timer will be reset or repeat the same time. Arrow will have the same function.

2nd is, can you add "bar line" spacings of parallel lines or something like that. Example, when you are downloading video in Download Master you can see how long left to finish to download video. This feature visibly can help to find out how long left. You don't have to look on time because "bar line" will be on the background.

Tom on :

Hi & Thakns for the well made plugin,

I think I am having an issue but perhaps it's just the way it was planned...?
I'm trying to drag the addon icon to the navigation bar just between my "bookmarks" button and the URL address field - but the addon just won't stick there. I am using windows and just don't want to have the addons bar wasting valuable screen space. am I doing something wrong?


Philipp Söhnlein on :

Hi Tom,

you do nothing wrong. The addon isn't ready yet to live in the upper toolbar instead of the addonbar at the bottom. Maybe I will add support for that in a future release, depending on my spare time.


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